I was happy to find Halley quoted in Thom Weidlich's New York Times article “The Corporate Blog Is Catching On.” I'm not so sure I agree with Thom and as a result, I'm...
Live Blogging From Apple's WWDC Keynote For those readers less interested in things Macintosh or technology, I've moved the very long post I blogged live this morning as Steve Job's...
This week I received three gifts of Blogshares from bloggers who I didn't know and to blogs I've never visited. One of the generous bloggers, Lago, has an interesting perspective on his...
Ok. I’m going out on a limb now. But Dina. Yeah, you know. The infamous gal behind the “Conversations with Dina” is not only a marketing magnate, but she’s a legend with great...
Did you go to grad school? If so, chances are you spent a great deal of time, thinking, obsessing and ultimately preparing and writing your thesis. Katherine Frank went to grad school, too. But like...
Happy Birthday Wayne! It's my dad's birthday today. Actually, it's my brother Jim's birthday, too. So happy birthday to both of them. Being 3,000 miles away makes it tough...
Ok. So you blog or you don't blog. But this plastic figurine that represents the best and worst of American marketing, Barbie, has been blogging for some time. What? She's not in your...
A couple weeks ago I wrote It's Time For Marketing To Embrace Weblog Concepts & Technologies. The post created a bit of stir and a number of bloggers commented. Some gave positive nods...
Memorial Weekend. If you’ve been wondering why blogging has been void this week, you should know that I got a vacation. That is, after one year of blogging the good people here at The Digital...
Slow to blog. Working on a bunch of deadlines and recovering from midnight riding I did this weekend. Ended up playing basketball in the blazing Northern California sunday sun. A bit of lobster head...
Ok. Maybe you're just dating. Friends? How about a business associate? Read on for the latest in mainstream press on blogging. Me? Today blogging from a friend's wireless hot spot her in...
Celebrating Our First Anniversary For The Sake of Clarity – The Digital Tavern Make A Wish. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, shared ideas and thoughts. I look forward to another...
When I first started my advertising agency in the late 80’s I had an opportunity to develop a number of corporate publications for emerging technology companies, among others. Some were true...
Stuart notes that Blogging Artistry yields nothing when googled. Though I see a comment on Noah Grey’s old blog mentions the artistry of blogging. Not sure if I’d categorize Noah’s...
I've been doing a lot of thinking about my weblog lately. As the first anniversary of writing for the sake of clarity — The Digital Tavern approaches, I've been reflective. But rather...
$36? Ok. So maybe it was the guilt. Or perhaps I just needed to find something new to write about. Or possibly I just was curious to see what happens. I haven't contributed to Tony's car...
Have you ever been to Tony Pierce's busblog? I've blogrolled him (the links in the left column titled “Read These”) for nearly six months. Why? Because Tony is creative. He...
Anil asks “If Google can index a couple billion pages and return the results in .03 seconds, why does a search of my hard drive take 30 seconds?” And has a good answer.
It's Time You Met NoteTaker. You've probably read some of my comments and thoughts on NoteTaker in the past. Including my long lost mini-review of the product due to the previously...
My first task home was to attack the recreation or regeneration of the Digital Tavern. And if you scroll down a bit you'll see that I've succeeded. at least 90%. I've tried to get the...