The horrible article I blogged about in The New York Times last Sunday (in print and online, btw) has stirred up a number of comments. And I just can't resist going back to it — passionate...
Category - Marketing

The horrible article I blogged about in The New York Times last Sunday (in print and online, btw) has stirred up a number of comments. And I just can't resist going back to it — passionate...
I was happy to find Halley quoted in Thom Weidlich's New York Times article “The Corporate Blog Is Catching On.” I'm not so sure I agree with Thom and as a result, I'm...
A couple weeks ago I wrote It's Time For Marketing To Embrace Weblog Concepts & Technologies. The post created a bit of stir and a number of bloggers commented. Some gave positive nods...
I read with interest Peter Marsh's story in yesterday's Financial Times titled “In search of the world's hotbeds of innovation”. It discusses the methodologies used by CHI...
Celebrating Our First Anniversary For The Sake of Clarity – The Digital Tavern Make A Wish. Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, shared ideas and thoughts. I look forward to another...
When I first started my advertising agency in the late 80’s I had an opportunity to develop a number of corporate publications for emerging technology companies, among others. Some were true...