I made my first purchase from iTunes Music last night. A remix version of Bob Dylan's “Everything Is Broken”. I tried yesterday in NYC to browse and purchase, but I think everyone...
This is my live report from the SoHo Apple Store in Manhattan. Standing room only crowd here to watch Steve Jobs introduce new iPods and Apple's new online Music Service. Listen. Steve announces...
As bombs blast Baghdad, and the pro-war constituents cheer for the liberation of Iraq, the anti-war vocalists, those musicians who out of one side of their mouths shout anti-war epithets and out of...
Maybe you saw them on the North American leg of their 40th (gulp) Anniversary Tour. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and the rest of the Stones. Well a month ago EMI China released their Anniversary CD...
Legendary British Rocker Sting plans to get into the wine business. According to this article he purchased prime property in Northern Italy and plans to launch a wine under his name. And soon after...
My blogless friend and adventure traveler cohort Johnny “A” points me to a cute story about an Alaskan who never heard of Jerry Garcia nor the Grateful Dead. Short but fun read. Check it...
Associated Press has more on Apple's, as of yet unannounced and unconfirmed, foray into an online pay-for-music venture that would integrate with Apple's iPod and iTunes products. The LA...
Though this hasn't been confirmed by Apple, the Los Angeles times reports this morning (free registration or username/password: digitaltavern) that Apple will launch an online music service...
You rock, sweetheart. Congratulations. At a time when the lines between soulful expressive music and noise, harmonic dissonance, voice and electronics blur the lines of what is music and what is...
Clear Channel seems to be media consolidation's whipping boy. Hard to find anyone who doesn't love to hate Clear Channel. And like the bully in the schoolyard who went a bit too far, Clear...
Got your survival supplies? I wonder if U.S. Fire Administrator David Paulison is holding any Home Depot stock under an assumed alias? Gotta prepare for emergencies. Like a microphone that just...
Still haven't purchased your new 20GB iPod? No worries. If you're called on to present or perform at this year's Grammy Awards, you'll find one in the gift bag that's handed...
Wow. A new discovery for me. Word Jazz. I guess I've been aware of this art form. But I gotta admit that I've not really given it much attention. I guess lack of exposure. And lack of...
There's nothing like a few blog posts on music and radio to elicit some interesting responses from those who've stopped by The Digital Tavern. For those of you tuning in, here is my first...
Famed “Wall of Sound” producer, Phil Spector was just arrested for allegedly shooting a twenty something girl to death in his LA area mansion. Spector has already hired O.J. Simpson...
Right on the heels of my post last week on the sad state of radio, which was echoed by William Safire, yesterday U.S. Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) Senate Commerce Committee introduced the...
This technology thing is getting crazy. Did you hear Gibson will release electric guitars this year that don't have a traditional 1/4″ phone jack to connect your instrument cable to your...
Last night I had a lot of fun. Sarah, Felisa and Jim joined me in my little studio for a night of playing guitar, singing songs and keeping rhythm with a plethora of percussion instruments. Mix that...