For the few hundred or so subscribers to The Digital Tavern, you've probably noticed that notifications for new posts have been sporadic at best. This is because Monsur of Bloglet seems to have abandoned his service. I can't blame him, for it has been free for so many years. There's no advertising and for the most part it has been on remote control. But it's broken. And while many of you use RSS newsreaders or aggregators, most of you rely on a quick, simple and unobtrusive e-mail when something new is posted here. I apologize that recently these notifications have been flakey.
I trust Feedblitz will change that.
So in the future you will receive notifications via Feedblitz. So if you are using blacklisting or other e-mail spam filters be sure to add Feedblitz as a trusted friend — think of it as coming from me. To be sure, the email subscriptions are secure and are not shared. You will only receive an email when I update The Digital Tavern. On good months this could be a couple times a week. Otherwise you'll get the email once a week or so.
So please note that you'll receive these emails beginning tonight or tomorrow.
For those of you who haven't subscribed, take a moment and subscribe using the form in the righthand sidebar. And if you have any thoughts, ideas or recommendations on what you'd like to see here on the Digital Tavern post a comment or contact me here.