Tomorrow morning I'm heading out of town. Again. So much of this country and this world to see. So I'm heading to Jackson tomorrow morning. While there, I'll embark on a couple day or two-day trips on a dual-sport motorcycle and tour the fantastic mountains, scenery and roads of Montana. Big Sky country. I'll endeavor to check in. Share with you both thoughts and photography. Later in the month, I'll do a similar pilgrimage to Southern Utah and camp in Bryce and Zion National Parks. During that trip I may find it difficult to blog. But my heart will be into it and my experience shared with you on my return. If you've been to any of these destinations, take a moment and share your experience, good or bad, with the other readers of The Digital Tavern my posting a comment here or on your blog. Be sure to trackback. Give readers of the Tavern a place to go while I gather my thoughts, words and posts for future Digital Tavern musings.